Difference Between A Standard And Collateral Mortgage

Lisa Manwaring • September 20, 2023

When arranging mortgage financing, your mortgage lender will register your mortgage in one of two ways. Either with a standard charge mortgage or a collateral charge mortgage. Let’s look at the differences between the two.

Standard charge mortgage

This is your good old-fashioned mortgage. A standard charge mortgage is the mortgage you most likely think about when you consider mortgage financing. Here, the amount you borrow from the lender is the amount that is registered against the title to protect the lender if you default on your mortgage.

When your mortgage term is up, you can either renew your existing mortgage or, if it makes more financial sense, you can switch your mortgage to another lender. As long as you aren’t changing any of the fine print, the new lender will usually cover the cost of the switch.

A standard charge mortgage has set terms and is non-advanceable. This means that if you need to borrow more money, you'll need to reapply and requalify for a new mortgage. So there will be costs associated with breaking your existing mortgage and costs to register a new one.

Collateral charge mortgage

A collateral charge mortgage is a mortgage that can have multiple parts, usually with a re-advanceable component. It can include many different financing options like a personal loan or line of credit. Your mortgage is registered against the title in a way that should you need to borrow more money down the line; you can do so fairly easily.

A home equity line of credit is a good example of a collateral charge mortgage.

Unlike a standard charge mortgage, here, your lender will register a higher amount than what you actually borrow. This could be for the property's full value, or some lenders will go up to 125% of your property's value. 

In the future, if the value of your property appreciates, with a collateral charge mortgage, you don't have to rewrite your existing mortgage to borrow more money (assuming you qualify). This will save you from any costs associated with breaking your existing mortgage and registering a new one. 

However, if you’re looking to switch your mortgage to another lender at the end of your term, you might be forced to discharge your mortgage and incur legal fees. Also, by registering your mortgage with a collateral charge, you potentially limit your ability to secure a second mortgage.

So what’s a better option for you?

Well, there are benefits and drawbacks to both. Finding the best option for you really depends on your financial situation and what you believe gives you the most flexibility. This is probably a question better handled in a conversation rather than in an article.

With that said, undoubtedly, the best option is to work with an independent mortgage professional. It’s our job to understand the intricacies of mortgage financing, listen to and assess your needs, and recommend the best mortgage to meet your needs. As we work with many lenders, we can provide you with options. Don’t get stuck dealing with a single institution that may only offer you a collateral charge mortgage when what you need is a standard charge mortgage. 

So if you’d like to have a conversation about mortgage financing, please get in touch. It would be a pleasure to work with you and answer any questions you might have. 





By Lisa Manwaring January 22, 2025
Chances are, buying a home is one of the most important financial decisions you’ll make in your life. And as mortgage financing can be somewhat confusing at the best of times, to alleviate some of the stress and to ensure your home purchase goes as smoothly as possible, here are six very high-level steps you should follow. While it might seem like the best place to start the home buying process is to browse MLS on your phone and then contact a Realtor to go out and look at properties, it’s not. First, you’re going to want to work with a licensed independent mortgage professional. When you work with an independent mortgage professional, instead of working with a single bank, you’ll be working with someone who has your best interest in mind and can present you with mortgage options from several financial institutions. The second step in the home buying process is to put together a mortgage plan. Unless you have enough money in the bank to buy a home with cash, you’re going to need a mortgage. And as mortgage financing can be challenging and not so straightforward, the best time to start planning for a mortgage is right now. Don’t make another move until you discuss your financial situation with an independent mortgage professional. It’s never too early to start planning. As part of your mortgage plan, you’ll want to figure out what you can afford on paper, assess your credit score, run some financial scenarios, calculate mortgage payments, and have a clear picture of exactly how much money is required for a downpayment and closing costs. You’ll also be able to discuss which mortgage product is best for you, considering different mortgage terms, types, amortizations, and features. Now, what you qualify to borrow on paper doesn’t necessarily mean you can actually afford the payments in real life. You need to consider your lifestyle and what you spend your money on. Understanding your cash flow is the key. Make a budget to verify you can actually afford your proposed mortgage payments and that you have enough funds to close on the mortgage. No one wants to be house-poor or left scrambling to come up with funds to close at the last minute. If everything looks good at this point, the next step will be to get a preapproval in place. Now, a pre-approval is more than just typing some numbers into a form or online calculator; you need to complete a mortgage application and submit all the documents requested by your mortgage professional. Only proceed with looking at properties when you’ve been given the green light from your mortgage professional. When you’ve found a property to purchase, you’ll work very closely with your mortgage professional to arrange mortgage financing in a short period of time. This is where being prepared pays off. As you’ve already collected and submitted many documents upfront during the preapproval process, you should be set up for success. However, remain flexible and provide any additional documentation required by the lender to secure mortgage financing. Once you have firm lender approval and you’ve removed conditions on the purchase agreement, don’t change anything about your financial situation until you have the keys. Don’t quit your job, don’t take out a new loan, or don’t make a large withdrawal from your bank account. Put your life into a holding pattern until you take possession of your new home. So there you have it, six steps to ensuring a smooth home purchase: Work with an independent mortgage professional. Put together a mortgage plan. Figure out what you can actually afford. Get a pre-approval. Provide the necessary documentation. Don’t change anything about your financial situation until you take possession. If you’d like to discuss your personal financial situation and find the best mortgage product for you, let’s work together. We can figure out a plan to buy a home as stress-free as possible. Please connect anytime; it would be a pleasure to work with you.
By Lisa Manwaring January 15, 2025
If you’ve been thinking about buying a second property and you’re looking to put some of the pieces together, you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re looking to buy a vacation property, start a rental portfolio, or help accommodate a family member, there are many reasons to buy a second property (while keeping your existing property), which might make sense for you! Now, while there are many great reasons to buy a second property, there is also a lot to know as you walk through the process. The key here is to have absolute clarity around your why. Ask yourself, why do you want to buy a second property? This isn’t a decision to be taken lightly or one that should be made too quickly. Buying a second property should be a strategic decision that allows you to accomplish your goals, and it should include an assessment of your overall financial health. So with clear goals in mind, the best place to start the process is to have a conversation with an independent mortgage professional. This will allow you to assess your financial situation, outline the costs, and put together a plan to make it happen. While purchasing a second property is similar to buying a primary residence, there are some key differences. Just because you’ve qualified in the past for your existing mortgage doesn’t mean you’ll qualify to purchase a second property. One key difference is the amount of downpayment you might be required to come up with. A property that is owner-occupied or occupied by a family member on a rent-free basis will require less of a downpayment than if the second property will be used to generate an income. So, depending on the property's intended use, you might have to come up with as much as 25%-35% down. This is where strategic planning comes in. Consider unlocking the equity in your existing home to finance the downpayment to purchase your second home. Here are a few ways you can go about doing that: Securing a new mortgage if you own your property clear title Refinancing your existing mortgage to access additional funds Securing a home equity line of credit (HELOC) Getting a second mortgage behind your existing first mortgage Securing a reverse mortgage The conversation about buying a second property should include assessing your overall financial health, leveraging your existing assets to lower your overall cost of borrowing, and figuring out the best way to accomplish your goals. And as it's impossible to outline every scenario in a simple blog post, if you’d like to discuss your goals and put a plan together to finance a second property, connect anytime. It would be a pleasure to work with you.
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